Moon Salutation
It is a preferable to do Surya Namaskar early morning at sunrise, on an empty stomach. If missed the sunrise, you can practice at sunset too. But when the moon is visible, you should practice Moon salutation ( Chandra Namaskar)
Ideally at least 12 rounds of Surya Namaskars daily (one set consists of two rounds – six with the left leg and six with the other) should be practiced everyday. However, as a beginner, you could start with two to four rounds and then gradually go up to as many as you can comfortably do.
Although Sun Salutation is a complete body workout, alone it is not sufficient. It is always good to top it up with other more intense yoga postures for a complete fitness experience. Practicing with proficient teachers at Happiness yoga studio ensures the improvement in stamina, strength and stretching.
The best results can be experienced only by everyday, regular and committed practice.
Vinyasa way of Sun Salutation A & B :
Traditionally it is being performed with 12 asana positions but in time, more variations came up in popularity. Different yoga disciplines practice it differently with own understanding of science and technique. Sun salutation A (9 steps) & Sun salutation B (17 steps) are performed in Vinyasa practice or Ashtanga yoga practice.
In this workshop, you will learn scientific way of doing various types of Sun-salutation followed by practice of each type. Session will conclude with Q & A
Date : January 28, 2018
Time : 8:00 am to 9:30 am (90 minutes)
workshop Fees : $ 20 per person.
Eligibility : Whether you are regular practitioner, just a beginner, or even not know the term YOGA, this workshop is for everyone. Learn and Experience the difference.
Students with Studio Membership of 2 months OR 6 months : $10 (discount 50%).
For Registration: Go to schedule page. go to date (Jan28, Sunday), select class, book appointment, use coupon code if applicable and sign up.
To Sign up click the link below :