Partner yoga 

(date to be declared)


Let's open up our heart, spread our arms and welcome spring. Be younger, be child, spend some quality time with your beloved one or friend and rejuvenate your relations. Connect the inner strings with your partner. Move through this fun-filled event, and not only will you experience a deep stretch in your muscles, but you'll deepen the sense of integrity. 

The benefits of yoga go beyond physical & mental. Use yoga to transform the way you see and feel in your body and in turn you can make over your life with emotional wellness.

This workshop is designed for all and NOT for couples only. Any single participant can also join and enjoy this stretchy & twisty sequences with other like minded yogi partners in studio. We are here to help you out.

Performing yogasana for Jeevan Yog, aTelevision Series on DD Girnar


It’s rewarding to accomplish a new yoga pose that you’ve been practicing for a while, but it feels even better when sharing that excitement with a friend. Partners can use their body weight to help you increase your flexibility in a pose like forward fold or help stabilize your balance and act as a counter-weight for one-legged standing poses like tree. Partner poses are great because they give you a sense of how much further and deeper you can go into your own practice. Plus, it’s fun to be able to assist someone else in his or her practice


These poses for partners can be a little challenging, but are also great for beginners — you don't need to be a yoga expert to get through this practice. Just remember to always listen to your body and don’t do anything that hurts. And don't forget to laugh and have a blast connecting with your partner. 


Stretchy & Twisty Day 

For this special day, there is a combination of backbends, chest openers, and shoulder stretches, all of which are great heart-openers.  However feel free to shorten or lengthen the sequence to suit your age, stamina and flexibility.  Focus on having fun with movement, not on practicing perfectly aligned poses.

Bring Out Your Inner Child.  Have fun, wobble, tumble, and laugh!


workshop Fees : $ 20 per person. 

Eligibility : Whether you are regular practitioner, just a beginner, or even not know the term YOGA,  this workshop is for everyone. Come and experience the most joyful way of celebrating valentine day. 

Remember this is purely yogic love. It is NOT at all compulsory to bring your partner with you. You still will have a yogi partner. There'll be many single yogis of your age on that workshop. We will connect you with your yoga partner. For any help, please feel free to call us (202) 422-7762 or (202)903-1057

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